Titan speaks to why he did a Soca remix for Ding Dongs hit Dancehall song “Fling Yuh Shoulda”:

The energy and vibes “Fling Yuh Shoulda” has is really addictive. Just look at any videos on social media! It’s a song that’s fun, encourages participation via dancing and is enjoyed by all age groups.

Play the “Dinsley Riddim / Dinsley Junction Riddim” instrumental, no lyrics, just the instrumental and you can’t help but to move & build vibes with it. So I thought it would be a perfect fit to produce the “Fling Yuh Shoulda” Carnival Soca remix. Energy added to more energy.

Also the term “One Caribbean” are words I live by! The opportunity to blend Caribbean music in the form of Dancehall and Soca was exciting to me.

The “Dinsley Riddim / Dinsley Junction Riddim” has elements from Trinidad, Grenada, St Lucia, Vincy fused together…One Caribbean.

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