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It's Coming – RastafariUnion's Reggae for Africa Fundraiser!

What is a Blitz Day?

A blitz day is an online based fundraising event that only lasts 24 hours. Why are we blitzing? RastafariUnion is right around the corner and we want to make this one of the most memorable events in the history of Reggae Culture.

RastafariUnion – Reggae for Africa

What can Reggae do for Africa? For 5 decades Reggae Music has given us the keys for the socio-economic liberation of the oppressed and for the strength and vitality of the downtrodden. RastafariUnion puts those words into action while celebrating the birth and blossoming of this message at a seven-day symposium and concert to be held in Ocho Rios Jamaica.

Fifty years ago, when Haile Selassie I visited Jamaica, his adherents received a measure of peace, allowing them to spread the messages of natural living, cooperative economics, social activism and Africa’s development to the world. Today, people of every nation celebrate this culture and the message has gone mainstream. RastafariUnion is calling forward members of every nation to learn more, perform and participate in these celebrations.

RastafariUnion is working to support GREEN development in Africa that will provide much more than light to rural areas on the continent. The works are in place to develop a zero to low waste city that will attract sustainable businesses competing in the Global GREEN economy. “The Spirit of Africa is deserving of the greatness which Africa demands of it. Let us prove ourselves worthy of it.”

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