Tropicalfete’s Authors Connecting Program Coming Soon in June 2023!
Be Part of Our Program Authors Connecting Workshop is a program designed to emphasize the…
Be Part of Our Program Authors Connecting Workshop is a program designed to emphasize the…
Tropicalfete, Inc. is formally inviting participants to register for our Saturday programs. Our programs are…
Tropicalfete, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides cultural enrichment programs to both seniors and… Discover the joy of Caribbean culture with one of the best theater groups in…
Tropicalfete, Inc. has received a Regrowth and Capacity grant of $10,000 from the New York…
Alton Aimable, the president and founder of Tropicalfete, Inc. was awarded a Proclamation from Queens…
Tropicalfete, Inc. hosted a spectacular event called TF Pop-Up Caribbean Carnival in Times Square. This…
We are pleased to announce that Tropicalfete, Inc. was selected to be recognized at this…
Featured Authors Elizabeth ‘Lady’ Montano – King of Soca – host Patricia Meschino Dr. Anthony…
June is observed as Caribbean Heritage Month and Tropicalfete Inc. continues celebrations with the Authors…
Tropicalfete, Inc. will host its annual Caribbean Cultural Showcase on Sunday, June 24 in Brooklyn…
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