Natasha Von Castle From L3 Inspires CARIBANA™

The CARIBANA™ Arts Group, founders of the 1967 Caribbean festival, known as CARIBANA™, and North America’s largest festival, is once again instrumental in bringing another special event to Toronto thanks to a special contribution by Natasha Von Castle of L3 Magazine!

On Saturday February 23rd, 2013, CARIBANA™ Arts Group will warm up the City of Toronto with CARIBANA™ on Ice!

CARIBANA™ ON ICE is the brainchild of Natasha Von Castle from L3 Magazine, and was created as an expression of warmth for fans and revellers of the largest North American festival who reminisce about warmer days on Toronto’s Lakeshore. The skating event, filled with Calypso music and dance, is one that organizers hope to make into an annual event.

Although skating has traditionally been a sport that does not attract a lot of people from the Caribbean, organizers are hoping they can break that culture with music. “I can’t think of a better way to highlight the contributions of our Caribbean heritage to the City of Toronto while celebrating Black History Month” said Natasha from the CARIBANA™ offices. “Possibly, the disposition of us staying away from the cold can be changed when our music starts reverberating on the ice,” added one of the organizers. This could be true, as more people from various communities are now playing ice hockey and entering skating competitions through early exposure to these sports.

Breaking down barriers and amalgamating cultures is synonymous with CARIBANA™’s history. In a few days The CARIBANA™ Arts Group aims at dispelling the misconception that the warm and tantalizing rhythms of Calypso music could only be enjoyed during the summer months. On February 23, 2013 the group will kick off a festive event celebrating Black History Month by frolicking Caribbean rhythms during one of the coldest months of the year.

While this event is dubbed a family event, an emphasis will be placed on getting the youth out to participate, especially on the ice rink. The young people’s participation is vital, as the success of the event may hinge on them.

Supporters are already asking if there will be revellers during CARIBANA™ ON ICE, as is customary at the summer festival. CARIBANA™ Board Director, Kathleen Daniel, has given reassurance that the public can expect to see some revellers there. She wants patrons to come out and support the CAG and dress in bright colours. Ms. Daniel has emphasized that there is no dress code, however, she explained bright colours would symbolize a Caribbean theme, hence her request.

The event runs from 2:00 pm to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, Feb 23 at Nathan Philip Square. There will be no excuse for not coming to the event as admission is free.

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