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NEW 2015 RELEASE – Machel Montano | Pop Ah Bottle

NEW 2015 RELEASE – Machel Montano | Pop Ah Bottle

A life spent passionately pursuing knowledge and focused on fulfilling true purpose is one that should be celebrated with the greatest fervor.
On this declared Machel Monday, the 24th of November, Monk Monté commemorates his 40th birthday doing what he does best; sharing his life, love, and energy in musical form with his family, loved ones, and treasured fans across the world.
As a gift to everyone on his special day, here is the perfectly named free release “Pop Ah Bottle”, which is featured on the Patrol Riddim produced by Martian Music, with additional production by Precision Productions. Also on this riddim are esteemed friends Alison Hinds, and Nadia Batson who wrote Machel’s single, alongside two cherished members of the Xtatik family, Farmer Nappy and Patrice Roberts. This though, is just but one of the many gifts the King of the Road will be sharing with his fans and followers, just stay tuned to his social media all week long for even more surprises.
Like all birthdays should be, this day, track, and riddim are a festive family and friends affair. The song itself is filled with unbridled jubilation that will light up music lovers, warming their spirits inside out leaving them in complete ecstasy this Carnival 2015 season.
Additionally it will be a day of reflection and remembrance for Machel as he traverses the ancient and blessed land of our ancestors in Egypt. This spiritual reconnection and renewal on such a monumental birthday will serve to solidify his understanding and awareness of his past as he continues to build his visionary future.
You too can be a part of this joyous gala with Machel LIVE on instagram as he Pops Ah Bottle in celebration and invites you to partake in an exciting competition. All you have to do is take a pic of yourself ‘popping ah bottle’ to celebrate Machel’s 40th Birthday, tag @machelmontano and hashtag #popahbottle, and Machel himself will be going through all tagged pics to choose his favourite. The winner walks away with an amazing prize package of Machel Montano original Merchandise from the M Store. So start taking those photos! And don’t forget to #popahbottle
The track was premiered as part of a new article on TheFader.com: http://www.thefader.com/2014/11/24/machel-montano-pop-ah-bottle-soul-train-awards

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