KC Jockey Sends a Better Message to the World

Jamaican born and New York bred international R&B artist, KC Jockey, is sending a positive message to the world through his newest music video gone viral, “Girl You’re Free.” And with view counts soaring over the web, exhibitors including some of the countries biggest Cable TV and Satellite providers have picked up the video for circulation.

In his newest music video from the Sweet Sadie Records upcoming release, Broken Hearted Powerful Women, KC plays the character of an abusive husband whose brave wife finally finds the courage to stand up and free herself. The video has gone viral since last weeks release, and stands as an incredible example to all artists of the responsibilities they have and the power they possess to make the world a better place for all. In a recent interview with KC, the artist stated, “I believe from the heart that when we learn to respect our females, the world will be a better place to live and appreciate. I am still learning, so I am not perfect, but first and foremost, respect is the key, and the first step.”
KC Jockey is no stranger to the method of using song to spread a greater message to the people; being greatly inspired by Jamaica’s most beloved artist, and probably one of the most influential singer-songwriters to guide social change through music, Bob Marley; and KC’s new video follows Marley’s footprints in a battle for change. The song and video were both carefully arranged to speak out against domestic abuse and to endorse the women of the world, KC says, “We as men love and cherish them (women) no matter what, and we need to acknowledge accept and admit when we do wrong to their loving hearts.”

The video was released about two weeks ago and is closely reaching 80,000 views on YouTube. It has also recently been added to a number of regional closed-circuit providers including; Time Warner, COX, and Comcast. The video has also been picked up by a number of large retail pools that service programming for Bars, Gyms, Hotels, Casinos, Convenience Stores, Medical Offices and select retail stores and lifestyle outlets.Also just got word secretly that it will be a part of a movie soundtrack to a movie that will be done by a major film company on a female who has been in a brutal and fatal domestic violence battered womens real true life story.

To learn more about KC Jockey, please visit www.kcjockey.com or follow him on Twitter @kcjockey, and also at facebook.com/officialkcjockeyfanpage.
For media inquiries, including interviews, photos, digital downloads, CDs and more, please contact sweetsadiesrecords@gmail.com.

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