Fire Fete To See Rejuvenation in 2013- 'Larger Than Life' Show Awaits Patrons

Next weekend, some of the country’s biggest soca acts will converge at the Queen’s Park Savannah in Port-of-Spain for one of the most anticipated events in Carnival each year. Fire Fete 2013 will see the rejuvenation of an event that has stood the test of time- this as event organisers prepare to ensure patrons truly enjoy the feting experience. One of the big changes being made is the custom of solo artistes performing to tracks. “All artistes will be backed by a live band,” said an organizer.

Vincent and the Soca Unit will provide backup to the cast of solo entertainers which include, Lyrikal, Drupatee, Jahmoun, Devon Matthews, 5 Star Akil, Iwer George and Denise Belfon. This bit of information has already peaked the interest of fete lovers, many of whom have complained about the former practice, over the years. “We know this is going to raise the fete experience ten times fold. People enjoy a live band sound and we really want to deliver that feeling to them,” said the spokesperson.

Fire Fete has consistently dished out the most enjoyed acts of the season, annually. Tickets for the event this year started selling at the very affordable cost of $100, however an increase was imminent as the bulk of those tickets were sold out by Friday, January 4, according to reports.

BunjiGarlin, Fay-Ann Lyons and their Asylum band will headline Fire Fete 2013. The band has delivered a number of hits that have been lapped up by the population at large. From Bunji’sDifferentology, Touchless and Only Woman to Fay-Ann’s Crossover, We Doing This Awah, Stage Open, Formula and Rum, which she recorded collaboratively with Tobago’s Fya Empress, the Asylum stage show is expectedto be something of a spectacle of carnival enjoyment. Patrons are being assured of a well-secured arena at the Queen’s Park Savannah on January 12 and promoters are pleading for the designation of drivers on the night of the event. “We can’t emphasise the importance of this. We don’t want any road incidents following Fire Fete- the first major carnival fete for the season, really. We want patrons to be smart- that’s what it all comes down to,” said the spokesperson.

With gates set to open at 9pm next week Saturday, showtime will be at 11pm. Acts for the night are plenty and each one has something massive to deliver. Nadia Batson’s Manager and Shangri-La as well as Blaxxx’sNo Getaway, will likely cause a stir on show night

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