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"A Jamaican Music Star Will Be Born At Redemption The Concert"

Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. ———-A Jamaican star is about to make the kind of debut, all of the Caribbean will forever remember. The reggae love-rockers vocalist has a story unlike any other breakthrough artiste on the Caribbean music circuit and added to the attained opportunity to perform at the upcoming ‘Redemption’ concert event in Trinidad and Tobago, this new buzz maker will likely inspire many who never thought they could make it in the music business.

Oneil Allen is best known by his musical sobriquet, Vytamin. With humor, he says he’s the girls’ Vitamin. His humble demeanor speaks volumes but his story is even more interesting. “It’s tough to break through in Jamaica,” he explains when questioned as to why he hasn’t made his debut onto the music scene in his Spanish Town, birthplace. He says the difficulty lies in the financial challenges often faced by up and coming acts, further explaining that the right music industry connections are required. In Trinidad, while on a recent visit, Vytamin got the attention of someone who was willing to invest in what he heard.

Constantly in songbird mode, the budding love-rockers superstar is working arduously to ensure that the Caribbean population becomes familiar with his voice. This week, he releases two cover versions of popular songs done by R&B artistes, Bruno Mars and James Ingram. “He has a great voice and a lot of potential,” said Millbeats Entertainment’s David Millien, the producer responsible for recording the cover versions. Millien said he feels success is imminent for Vytamin and upon learning that he would be performing at Redemption the Concert on May 30th in Trinidad, the producer became excited. “That’s great! That’s a great look,” he said.

Vytamin meanwhile continues to keep his eyes to the heavens. “I’m a person from humble beginnings. My messages will always be about peace, love and unity,” said the artiste. He anticipates sharing the stage in Trinidad with Beres Hammond- known as the king of reggae love rockers, and Jamelody, the T&T reggae star whose voice he loves. A new video for the James Ingram cover song, “I Don’t Have The Heart” is currently being finalized. He has also done the cover version of Bruno Mars’ “When I was You Man”. Beyond that, Allen will deliver his own songs in the weeks ahead. Having received tremendous support and encouragement from friends in T&T, he’s now hoping that everyone who gets a taste of what he’s capable of, will soon be rocking away to his very own vibe. Follow Vytamin on Instagram and Facebook @oneilvytamin

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