Studio B Presents EL DORADO RIDDIM Feat. Fay-Ann Lyons, Swappi & More
“Now everyone wishes they could handle a stiff challenge; be it drinking in excess of normal consumption or dancing to a beat with great vigor and swag. Who so ever has these qualities stand a good chance at capturing the El Dorado Gold. It can be a trophy, a bottle of rum, a Guyanese specialty or a Studio B Production. This is Carnival!!! Fayann was quite clear by saying “doh fraid”! Stick to the wine and make your presence known. Listen to the music move in a time sensitive fashion. Never show fear, just dance.
Revelation must have had an unforgettable experience that led to his forward word play; what a wine!
Don’t let go neither bottle nor bumper! Swap! Swappi tells a story of how inveterate party animals refuse to leave a party vibe.
The El Dorado Rum has an important part to play. The distinctive El Dorado flavor, characterized by a deep, mellow sweetness has a stern grip on the drinker. Nowhere else can you find such a vast choice of high quality rums to suit every palate and every occasion. No wonder they can’t leave! Buy more than 20 bottles of the gold stuff and just ball! Its something masculine, something affiliated with swag and prestige. Ranking observed and delivered on El Dorado. An elegant collection of drums and a classic mix was all to it really. Production ought not be too much or too little. How then will be concoct what making the right blend is about? Studio B took a tip and a little sip of El Dorado to make it all happen.”